Two Year Olds
At this age, children are Imagineers. They are filled with energy, independence, and curiosity about the world. Their language skills have increased and their vocabulary continues to grow dramatically. They are undergoing rapid development in many areas, and eager for attention to help them learn and understand basic things about the world around them. Our program emphasizes on language development to help children to strengthen and increase vocabularies and develop character. Children will have group activities to complement your child's developmental growth, by practicing social skills, such as cooperation, sharing, and taking turns. Our classrooms focus on dramatic play, creative arts, language development, and sensory exploration. Daily activities include, pretend play, learning games, and hands-on activities in both large and small group activities. Our teachers will work to foster your child's independence, self-esteem, and sense of accomplishment. We give them the tools and guidance to explore and learn within a comfortable, secure environment. Daily reports will keep you updated on your child's progress.
The Two year old Curriculum Includes:
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool, Using exploration and discovery as a way of learning, Creative Curriculum enables children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical thinking skills. In addition, Creative Curriculum lessons offers daily opportunities to individualize instruction, helping teachers meet the needs of every type of learner and addresses all the important areas of learning, from social-emotional and math to technology and the arts, and incorporates them throughout every part of every day.
Our bible Curriculum The Gospel Project, focuses on a weekly bible story with hands-on activities and interactive worship songs introducing children to the gospel.
Below are some of the basic milestones we look for, in addition to specific academic and developmental achievements:
Climbs well (24-30 mo.)
Walks up stairs alternating feet with support (24-30 mo.)
Runs easily (24-26 mo.)
Pedals tricycle (30-36 mo.)
Bends over easily without falling (24-30 mo.)
Separates easily from parents (by 36 mo.)
Expresses a wide range of emotions (24-36 mo.)
Objects to major changes in routine (24-36 mo.)
Hand and Finger Skills
Makes vertical, horizontal and circular strokes (30-36 mo.)
Turns book pages one at a time (24-30 mo.)
Builds a tower of more than 6 blocks (24-30 mo.)
Holds a pencil in writing position (30-36 mo.)
Screws and unscrews jar lids, nuts and bolts (24-30 mo.)
Recognizes and identifies almost all common objects (26-32 mo.)
Understands most sentences (24-40 mo.)
Can say name, age and sex (30-36 mo.)
Uses pronouns (I, you, me, we, they) (24-30 mo.)
Strangers can understand most of his/her words (30-36 mo.)
Plays make believe with dolls, animals and people (24-36 mo.)
Sorts objects by color (30-36 mo.)
Completes puzzles with 3 or 4 pieces (24-36 mo.)
Understands concept of "two" (26-32 mo.)